
About the Blog
The content of this blog covers all topics in Science Communication: presentations, writing/grammar, blogging, web design, statistics, etc. Also, there will be a heavy focus on utilizing the internet: Search Engine Optimization, writing for the internet, blogging, social media, etc. The latter focus is a subject that engulfs me. I love it.

About me
I studied Integrated Marketing Communications in college; however, most of the time I found myself amid post-doctorate, doctorate and graduate students of Cornell University's science departments. I'm still not sure how that happened, but am grateful for the experience. The people there are among the brightest, most dedicated and inspirational I've met in my life.
I once asked a friend, a post-doc' in Biology, why he pursued research in his field, knowing chances are small that he'll make allot of money. He looked at me and said he wasn't in it for the money, he was in it for the research. He loves science. Until that point in my life, I was certain money and job satisfaction were synonymous.

As a result of this unique interaction, I want to continue my involvement in the sciences. I'm doing by weaving it into my obsession with the communications field. 

Picture to the right is me helping a friend do field research in Los Molles de Chile.

I've performed or assisted research in communication and science: use of online games (Advergames), plant-insect interaction, affect of "look-a-likes" on real life personalities.

If there is anything you are interested in learning about, email or leave a comment.
