
Science Blog: Increase Blog Traffic With Keywords

Science writing for a science blog greatly differs from science writing for a journal or magazine. This might be tough to take down, but in some ways blogs requires more stringent adherence to sentence structure and word placement than a peer-reviewed paper. However, editors you've never met won't set these limitations, but your own ambitions to increase blog traffic will. I'm referring to
"keywords" , and their unequivocal importance for search engine ranking.

Keyword Search
There's a process for finding quality & relevant words. This is one of many outlines:
  1. Brain Storming words/phrases
  2. Use thesaurus to expand semantically relevant phrases and modifiers
  3. Search: tools
  4. Determine relevance
  5. Build on words
  6. Search again
  7. Evaluate relevance
  8. Use it
Keyword Selection
Here's a post from an internet marketing company in Central NY, which suggest how to select keywords with Google's keyword tool. Although simple, this part of the process is crucial, like a great experiment design is crucial.

So, now that you have these keywords/phrases, how are they used? Where do you put them? And, How many should you use?

A few quick answers are:
  • Use 3-4 of the words/phrases in your blog post (don't over use keywords or you will be categorized as spammers)
  • Put them at the beginning and end of the post (this is where the search engines look for the relevant content)
  • Also, include the most descriptive of these terms into your post's title. (this is your post's first impression to the reader, and must draw them in)
  • Bold some of these words/phrases. (search engines note this as important content)
Following this "organic" method is a great start to getting your science blog or website ranked in the top 10 results in a search engine. There are certainly other factors to consider, and I'll review those in future posts.

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